Davidson County Courthouse
Davidson County Courthouse is a historic government building located in Nashville, TN.
Stuart Dean partnered with Hardaway Construction, a Nashville contractor specializing in general contracting and construction management with experience in LEED building construction.
The Challenge
As part of a full-scale restoration of this historic landmark, Hardaway Construction called on Stuart Dean to recreate the original look of the building’s architectural wood details.
Stuart Dean carefully employed tested restoration techniques to counteract the decades of damage and fading the wood had endured without altering its historic value.
The company also performed a one- time restoration of the custom wood paneling present in the Davidson County Courthouse’s courtrooms.
The Solution
Stuart Dean consulted with Hardaway Construction to ensure that their restoration would meet the building’s architectural standards. Existing wood panels needed to be stripped of existing paint down to the bare wood.
The wood was then refinished, stained and lacquered.
The Benefits
Stuart Dean was able to restore the courtroom’s wooden paneling while maintaining its historical value.
Hardaway Construction was very satisfied with the results of Stuart Dean’s restoration and asked the company to restore the courthouse’s freestanding wood benches and pews.